
This Church is autonomous and maintains the right to govern its own affairs, independent of any denominational control. Recognizing, however, the benefits of cooperation with other churches in world missions, this Church voluntarily affiliates with the Southern Baptist Convention and the North Carolina Baptist Convention.

Membership Covenant

Section 1: General

The membership of this Church shall be composed of individuals who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and affirm the tenets of the Church Constitution, and who offer evidence, by their confession and their conduct, that they are living in accord with their affirmations and this Constitution and Bylaws, and are actively pursuing and continuing in a vital fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Section 2: Qualifications for Membership

A personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation
Baptism by immersion as a testimony of salvation
Completion of the Church's membership class
A commitment to abide by the membership covenant

Section 3: Responsibilities of Membership

Having received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and having been baptized, and being in agreement with Clearview's purpose, structure, and basic beliefs, I now am led by the Holy Spirit to unite with the Clearview Church family. In doing so, I commit myself to God and to the other members to do the following:
  • I will protect the unity of my church.
  • by acting in love toward other members
  • by refusing to gossip
  • by following the leaders
(Romans 14:19; I Peter 1:22; Ephesians 4:29; Hebrews 13:17)
  • I will share the responsibility of my church.
  • by praying for its growth
  • by inviting people to attend
  • by warmly welcoming those who visit
(I Thessalonians 1:1-2; Luke 14:23; Romans 15:7)
  • I will serve the ministry of my church.
  • by using my gifts and talents
  • by being equipped to serve
  • by developing a teachable, faithful, serving heart
(I Peter 4:10; Ephesians 4:11-12; Philippians 2:3-7)
  • I will support the testimony of my church.
  • by attending faithfully
  • by living a godly life
  • by giving regularly
(Hebrews 10:25; Philippians 1:27; I Corinthians 16:2; Malachi 3:10)

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